Saturday, May 31, 2008

Elly:"The world revolves around me and...pun"
Elly:"Look, a little bit of subliminal funny with 'mochafrappelatte'"
Connie:"You used up your 3 bits of pathetic funny over 2 strips, and over 20 years for that matter"
Elly:"Well, without pussy lips and racism, fborfwlover would have nothing to say"
Connie:"Yeah, but his audience is window-licker"

Elly:"blah blah blah kids these days with their technology...I'll send them a message with their technology"
Elly:"It is funny, isn't it? Classic irony. Especially with my dead-pan expression"
Connie:"huh? Shut up. I was busy making my chink-face at that chink over there. WE ARE CHINESE IF YOU PLEASE"

Elly:"R u and the negro alright back there, April"
Eva (and Eva), typing:"ur mum has a fat ass, ticka tick text"
April, typing:"Negro women get supr big ass, whappa whappa whappa"
Connie, typing:"Help me grls, eye hate supr-cunt elly"
April:"Duh, eye is more difficult to txt than I, stpd"
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dee:"It has been exciting. I love mother-in-law."
Mike:"You can give Mom the flowers, even though I bought them"
Elly:"So yeah, Merrie has the ability to lick her anus and does so in place of toilet paper."
Robin, when picked up:*hisssss*
Elly:"Uhhh, I'm beginning to have some concerns as to your raising of them"
Mike:"We change their kitty litter...once a year"
Friday, May 23, 2008

Weed:"Begging for hos...eating beans...and oh yeah, farting like a muthafucka"
Mike:"So many life-lessons, including how to have the dirtest, rottenest anal sex, while to the eyes of onlookers we're play-fighting"
*Extreme penetration*
Carleen:"Ohhh weed"
Mike:"hm, guess we loss that ability"
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weed:"So I got 2 mortgages an' nothing says success like having 2 mortgages"
Carleen:"Motherfuckin banks"
Dee:"Life, it is good"
Weed:"They didn't do a good job with your robot mate there Mikey"
Mike:"Huh?? Robot??"
Carleen:"She fuckin human??"
Dee:"More human than human"
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crowd:"We love you, Mike! You're bigger than Jesus! Sign my breast!"
Robin:"What's ever'body so incited about"
Merrie:"Cut the kid-talk crap. We're out of earshot"
Robin:"Whew. Here let's have a toke...*inhale*..ahhh, the chronic"
Merrie:"Here's comes grandma! Hi gwand-ma"
Elly:"I know about your racket, kids. It's grandparents and kids only who know. Pass the bud...*inhale*...oh yeah, the chronic"
Monday, May 19, 2008

Carleen:"Hm, blood cargo. Adventures on the high seas. Hm. Did you draw on your vast nautical experience to write this, just like you drew on your experience with hardship on the Praries to write your last piece of crap?"
Mike:"My inspiration is my suburban life and my Stepford wife. Next up, I'm going for poetry as you can tell, my dear boetry"
Carleen:"How come your thoughts don't transform your appearance? Like my live-in boy-toy here, whose artsiness manifests itself in a ponyfuckintail"
Mike:"My extreme boringness wins out. But I've been told I'm morphing into Ed Wood"
Sunday, May 18, 2008

*Liz pretends to pick up a coffee mug, but actually puts a gigantic padular to her mouth*
Warren:"haha. Oh man, I forgot about the padular. Beautiful. It's hard to describe why it's funny, eh? The absurd combined with an object of potential embarassment, a female sanitary pad. All women should be ashamed of their monthly bloody mess. And, my, that is a gigantic, thick padular"
Liz:"Look, at my backside, you can see it sticking out. I showed it to my brother"
Warren:"That's almost as disturbing as seeing in the bed across from you your father entirely naked, without a sheet, and legs bent and spread. A poor lad forced into seeing these things would surely develop a mental illness."
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Liz:"So it was your fault we never got beyond friends, aside from your tricky fingers"
Warren:"Whappa, whappa, whappa"
Liz:"Uhhh, anyways, now that you're gonna stay here, you can become a Stepford wife like me"
Warren:"Yeah, it's either that or getting into illegal arms dealing. I can be a runner with my 'chopter. Life's a toss-up."

Warren:"Your hand is radioactive...So Anthony's the guy with the kid and baggage, eh?"
Warren:"The one with the ugly face and boring as dirt personality"
Warren:"Kinda like you"
Warren:"So it's over between us?"
Liz:"Aside from your tricky fingers, it never began!!"

Liz:"Homosexual Lawerence!"
Warren G:"It's Warren"
Liz:"That's not a good omen for you. Come inside, for further humiliation"
Warren:"I'm feeling a bit rape-y today"
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Merrie:"Daddy, your mock turtleneck is very homosexual"
Merrie:"Gross daddy, can I have the computer now to continue my game on"
mike:"Ahh no, go gorge on cookies"
Dee:"Well, one day you'll be anorexic so gorge while you can"
merrie:"This is more practice for bulimia"
Friday, May 02, 2008

Wayne and Garth, summoning the wavy lines that segue into a memory or dream sequence (Wayne's World, party time, excellent!):"doloo do, doloo do, doloo do, doloo do"
(I worked hard to try to spell what they say)
John:"Your disillusions are delusions, hell El. I work much harder"
Elly:"But you have time to update to your fborfw weblog at work"
John:"That ain't invented yet and aint we fborfw!?"
Wayne and Garth:"doloo do, doloo do, doloo do"
Thursday, May 01, 2008

John:"Yep, I finally gave up full-time medicine, Ted"
Teddy:"Ahhhhh, what you doing ain't medicine, PAL. It's flossing teeth and banging the oriental dental assitant"
John:"Tell me about the latter part, just don't tell Elly, haha. Oh wait I did, and have left her"
Teddy:"Now I can play golf all the fuckin time like some stereotypical old bastard"
John:"I know I'm shooting for a hole in one of my patients."
Teddy:"hahahahaha, ahhhhhh, cunt"