Saturday, July 23, 2005


Missing fifth panel :'Hmm did I just imagine drugging LIz and at present my cock being firmly up her ass? Oh well, imagine or not I might as well enjoy it.'


Real nice husband, pretty much saying: 'My wife is an unloving gorssly selfish skank (because she's not a Patterson), oops did I announce that to other people who will tell other people?'

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Two straight entirely unfunny cartoons, but within a message. Hmm, strong bitches entirely comprise the fborfw staff including of course the lead bitch and Queen of the galaxy, Lynn. Sniff, sniff? That's the stank of feminisitic arrogant preaching

Saturday, July 16, 2005


She's re-imagining it from a third-person perspective? She would have let him go downtown had she not been raggin.

And oh great, now we get to see April become a robust(er) woman as a result of her summer farming experience.

haha, that's funny. Hey lynn, it take one to know one

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