Thursday, June 29, 2006

Liz:"This is beautiful. If this moment were to be made into a comic strip, the comic's creator would most definitely receive a governor general's medal and various other accolades for kissing some engine ass."

Liz:"Is this common to give a spirit name to a suburban white chick?"
Jesse's Auntie:"We tried to bestow a spirit name on Gretel Ho, for she actually showed up to the interview to come teach here. Of course she didn't accept, instead teasing us and wasting our time. It would have been much preferable had she not showed up at all. We were going to bestow on her the name 'Dung of Eagle'. We got some revenge by pulling some strings to get her blacklisted by the Almighty, i.e. Ontario Teachers Union. Unfortunately she even made a postive of that, acquiring the cool nic, Mel Guevarra. But we believe she has struck a deal with the Fallen One to have a charmed life."
Monday, June 26, 2006

Reminds me of that time at York when Karen's bf, feeling in general threatened, tried to spoon Karen when I came over. Actually he tried to spoon her head as she was sitting down. She pushed vigorously away and looked like she wanted to say 'ewwwwwww'. Now she is with a hairy Math professor who left his family for her, and he is hanging from a noose. I look forward to this fate for Lizardbreath.
Edit: The situation isn't quite analagous as engine pig is doing the spooning. They should have had Liz get all territorial and spoonerino.

I haven't seen you, Gretel Ho, since Xmas.
Dear readers, is Gretel a slut or chinese or a chinese slut? You decide.....
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Dear loyal readers,
I invite you to predict what will happen in the triangle between Chipper, Suds and Liz. The person who guesses best will be awarded a fabulous package, namely mine, and will get to spend some time with yours truly on Vancouver Island (you pay for your own ass to get here). Will Chipper conveniently take Suds off Liz's hands so that Liz and Anthony can enjoy lifelong adultery with each other (in the Catholic Church's view)? Or will there some tomahawking? It's up to you bitter, bitter reader...

Liz:"So you'll find some pubes in the wall..."
Chipper:"Oh...How'd that happen??"
Liz:"All I can say is they weren't there before I got here."
The cars up on cinder blocks is indeed a common sight at reserves. So too are sober, outstanding indians
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Jesse:"As a 9 yr. old on an engine reserve, I've overcome my consternation as to your leaving and now realise that I was wrong. I realise my sense of abandonment is selfish because you must follow your heart, and your heart does not belong among us heathens."
Liz:"You are forgiven, my child. Though as a heathen I don't know what good forgiveness will do you anyways."
Jesse:"Maybe a less tortorous level in Hades?"
Liz:"Can infinity be less than infinity? Your pain will be infinite in both duration and intensity, regardless of the level. It's the best I can do to explain, sorry"
Jesse:"You're forgiven"
I don't if I'm tripped out, but I swear the eyes in the comic are blinking sporadically.
Friday, June 16, 2006

Jim:"It's gonna take all the fires of hell to cremate your fat ass, won't it Iris"
John:"haha, another zinger"
Jim:"Who the hell are you all? I'm I on planet motherfucker?"
Elly:"There's goes dad into alzeihmer's again. Let's have a little fun...We're ready to start the orgy, Mister Belvedere"
All get naked and start sexing. Buggery is particularly plentiful.
John:"You think we're taking this joke too far??"
Congrats fborfwlover on your 100th post!!! From the folks at Your gentle wit is truly inspirational.
Sunday, June 11, 2006

St.Michael:"Here Merrie, could you hold the nail for a sec while daddy hammers it in"
Merrie:"Do you have a vas deferens?"
St.M:"Just hold the nail"
bald man:"What are you doing Patterson?"
St.M:"Hammering. What the fuck does it look like I'm doing?"
bald man:"Watch the language. Have you been drinking again?"
landlord:"I tell you bald man, I wish I could kick out these children of wrath"
Friday, June 09, 2006

April:'What are you guys discussing?'
Dad:'The band Rigor Mortis'
St.Elly:'Good save, hon'
A:'Really, though, when you guys die, I was thinking we could use your skins in front of the fireplace or something.'
Saturday, June 03, 2006

WBA (boxing) champion. 7ft. 321 lbs. of pure frightening looking. Don King with the Russian flag to his heart struck me as oxymoronic.

Liz looks hauntingly beautiful in the last panel *fborfwlover tears up*
Those lips would look haunitingly beautiful on my cock *fborfwlover tears up*
"Dear Sis, since you are a difficult-to-handle teenager, I can expect this sincere, hauntingly beautiful letter to be fully appreciated and replied to without cynicism"
*fborfwlover tears up realising his correspondence with gretel is far from hauntingly beautiful*
Friday, June 02, 2006

Liz:"Hi Marg, may I go into Jesse's room and sit on his bed?"
Marg:"Sure, it's something teachers do all the time"
Liz:"Jess, as an improvished native, you can come fly down to Toronto and visit me. Because as if I'll come back to this god-forsaken reserve. C'mon Jess, just pretend your happy so I can feel better about myself.

Liz:"Hi Marg, may I go into Jesse's room and sit on his bed?"
Marg:"Sure, it's something teachers do all the time"
Liz:"Jess, as an improvished native, you can come fly down to Toronto and visit me. Because as if I'll come back to this god-forsaken reserve. C'mon Jess, just pretend your happy so I can feel better about myself."
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Liz:"Jesse, please - don't say that. You've served nicely as the prototypical lil' scamp, who causes me some humorous consternation, but ultimately who is my fav. You're quite what you would expect of the most mischevious lad on a god-forsaken reserve."
L continues:"You're a wonderful person and have evolved physically very well since we first met: strong shoulders, firm buttocks.."