Saturday, June 24, 2006

Dear loyal readers,
I invite you to predict what will happen in the triangle between Chipper, Suds and Liz. The person who guesses best will be awarded a fabulous package, namely mine, and will get to spend some time with yours truly on Vancouver Island (you pay for your own ass to get here). Will Chipper conveniently take Suds off Liz's hands so that Liz and Anthony can enjoy lifelong adultery with each other (in the Catholic Church's view)? Or will there some tomahawking? It's up to you bitter, bitter reader...
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My good money goes on 'Tony.
Lynn lived in northen Manitoba for awhile and might have been married to a bushpilot , if I recall. Really. Her pic from then conveyed an extremely arrogant looking, average-at-best looking, pointy breasted bitch.
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Lynn lived in northen Manitoba for awhile and might have been married to a bushpilot , if I recall. Really. Her pic from then conveyed an extremely arrogant looking, average-at-best looking, pointy breasted bitch.
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