Sunday, May 18, 2008

*Liz pretends to pick up a coffee mug, but actually puts a gigantic padular to her mouth*
Warren:"haha. Oh man, I forgot about the padular. Beautiful. It's hard to describe why it's funny, eh? The absurd combined with an object of potential embarassment, a female sanitary pad. All women should be ashamed of their monthly bloody mess. And, my, that is a gigantic, thick padular"
Liz:"Look, at my backside, you can see it sticking out. I showed it to my brother"
Warren:"That's almost as disturbing as seeing in the bed across from you your father entirely naked, without a sheet, and legs bent and spread. A poor lad forced into seeing these things would surely develop a mental illness."
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God, the things you have seen. No wonder you are messed up.
The padular thing was one of the funniest things while traveling through Vancouver Island. Especially when you took my picture with a padular. Why the hell do we call it padular?
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The padular thing was one of the funniest things while traveling through Vancouver Island. Especially when you took my picture with a padular. Why the hell do we call it padular?
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