Friday, August 15, 2008

Liz:"I never realised you were negro until the other day. I thought you were a funky white girl. Btw, where's my bouquet of roses??"
Dawn:"You're holding them. Btw, we have no rice left to throw, I couldn't help myself, I had to eat it"
Liz:"Roses?? Uh, that's my muff"
Dawn:"I'll get the weed-wacker!!"
Unknown girl:"Let's make a pact while Dawn is gone. Friends forever!"
Liz:"I don't even know who the hell you are, unknown girl. Anyways, friendship erodes over time"
All:"Friendship for the time being!! Then, distance and bitchiness leads to casual friendship at best!! Then, you're just too far away for me to care!! TO CARE!!!"