Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Liz:"Do we have to send an invite out to cousin fborfwlover? I might give in to the urge to stab him in the eye with a used tampon, for the cause of women everywhere!"
Elly:"But he lives too close and besides some of his other relatives like him enough not to want to tampon impale him"
Liz:"I'm freaking PMSing cubed. And to top it off, I'm scheduled for some serious blood sport come wedding night. Oh well, Anthony'll be earning his red wings if he wants some of this that night"
Elly:"If you're talking about my patience, it's gone"
John:"If you're talking about my fidelity, it's gone....No?? Nothing?? I guess we'll have to fuck on the wedding stage before you acknowledge her"
Elly:"Acknowledge what dearie?? *Sniff, sniff* Someone, I mean, thing, smells like it's nice and cooked"
John:"Uh oh"