Sunday, April 27, 2008

April:"Universities are a fuckin wasteland. And Gerald, you really are a good drummer. Tommy lee good. You should go for it. Do what your penis tells you to do"
Gerald:"We are all a slave to our penis"
Brotha:"Correction: you are slave to MY penis"
(last 2 lines stolen from wall of shitter on the first floor of thode library)
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No way. I sampled it as part of my 100% complete sampling of Mac shitters. But it don't hold a candle to the best one of all time at Divinity College. Another good one was a little used one on the third floor of Hamilton hall (prior to its retrofitting as the new home of the math department). Spectular views. Basement of BSB, prior to its retrofitting (universities are like those construction dudes in fraggle rock), had a couple good ones that additionally gave me nervous poos because on a windy day it would howl in there as well. Plus there was great gay banter. All this retrofitting destroyed these delightful shitters.
I'd really laugh if someone googled "Divinity College" or "Thode Library" and this comment section came up!
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