Sunday, August 26, 2007

Francoise:"So why have the baby?"
Liz:"Well there was a 'dom mishap. This was her fault as Anthony is well-endowed and she didn't account for this in 'dom acquisitions. Other faults of hers that lead to the therese-engineered divorce include fucking a co-worker and wearing a skirt with pockets"
Francoise: "Can well-endowed daddy ever trust again??"
Liz:"Trust me..good god. How did you get in here Francoise??"
Francoise:"I came right though the back door"
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bitch, in flashback:"He looks like a foob today"
Candida:"Was Anthony entirely innocent in this affair??"
Liz:"Absolutely. He had normal sexual thoughts relating to her"
Anthony, in flashback:"I'm gonna stick my penis in her ear and cum in her brain"
Candida:"It's gonna be lots of flashbacks from now on, no storylines eh"
Liz, with sinister eyes:"heh heh heh, absolutely. Still raking in the dough without thinking up the new storylines"
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Liz:"They met at a dance club and the elegance and pretentiousness began. Whereas fborfwlover's sister met Kwame while puking in a stanky dorm washroom"
Candace:"You get the feeling that Lynn the hell-bound (goes without saying) divorcee is trying to demonize her ex throught the comic"
Liz:"Yes, I do get that feeling"
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Liz:"It's still friendship, O.k."
Candace:"Oh no you didn't. Recycling a douche is what you're doing, O.k.? O.k?
Emmy:"Oh no you didn't" *arches back*
*Emmy and Shiimsa duke it out, then both simultaneously realise they are pussies and run away*
Monday, August 20, 2007

Antony:*Buuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrppp* "Ahhh"
Liz:"Did you bring the list of attributes you'd like in your ho?"
Anthony:"Well, after boozing, smoking and punching my neighbours over their cutting of a piece of MY lawn; and eating Michalena's and tripping over floor-strewn underwear, and ahh, not being faithful, I didn't feel like it, bitch."
Anthony:"Oh wait, wait: likes to tug on my cock, enjoys strangulation sex and lifelong commitment?"
**penultimate panel**
Anthony:" Watier, cheque please"
Liz:"There was pun potential had you gone along with things and had we been american"
Anthony:"Up yours, baby"
Saturday, August 18, 2007

*I'm bringing sexy back..yeah*
John:"How did your hey-I-pretend-to-care visit go?"
Elly:"I dunno, dad was bitchy, Iris was crying and punning, lots of puns going on, and some life lessons learned"
John:"That was a hey-I-pretend-to-care anyways, I thought we'd get practicing the old age care thing"
Elly:"GOOD LORD! You soiled your pants! FECAL!"
John:"I'm also gonna play the role of a voilent, senile old-timer"
*John rubs the soiled underpants in Elly's mug*
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Francie:"Can Elizabeth stay with us, you know, as really, really good friends; i.e. humping friends?"
Anthony:"What about the one I call 'your biological mother'?"
Francie:"Yeah fuck her. We know she's a bitch; I'm ready to trade up mommies. Plus those nipples on Liz are fierce, I'm thinking some good milk action once you knock her up sufficiently."
Anthony:"You'll have competition there, sweetie"