Tuesday, April 03, 2007

*April walks by, shirt buttoned up to the chin and shirt sleeves buttoned at wrist, tilley hat on with chin-strap, glasses pushed up tight to face, slight baring of buck-teeth, back-pack on with hands symmetrically grabbing the straps and a back-and-forth sway*
Elly:"April, hon, it's not really sunny out. Why don't you, say, unbutton the shirt a little, show a little cleavage??"
April:"Not a chance, mommy, there are dangerous UV rays with which to contend"
*Later, April is walking through the 'hood, where a couple hip-hop homies are sauntering along, ready for action in this dangerous 'hood. Then they see April*
Homie A with condescending bemusement/disgust:"awwwwww"
Homie B:"There's goes the neighbourhood"
*April looks back with slight concern, but then proceeds forward, buck-teeth baring just a little bit more*