Friday, February 23, 2007

*Mike stares down his unwieldly coat*
Mike:"You know, Deeeeee, must you be so unflichingly, stupidly supportive? Do you have a personality of your own? You have 2 young kids and you're living with your in-laws. Most chicks with just youngins are complete head-case bitches, on top of their natural female cuntiness. Must you worship me like a deity? Oh wait, rhetorical question"
Merrie:"I looked up 'kept man': A man supported financially by someone in return for being available to them as a sexual partner. Being "kept" could be seen as a form of prostitution, especially if the relationship has a sexual dimension. Also from, which has sadly started to streamline and sell-out: a white boy from the suburbs that marries a rich lady. His job is to pleasure her and be eye candy. She in returns takes care of all his financial needs"