Monday, February 19, 2007

Francine:"Smells like freshly peeled orages in here!"
Mike:"Bad news, Francine. Glutty wants someone axed. But I ain't doing it, I'm gonna resign instead. My bowels have been weak from stress, so it's probably a good time. Plus, I'm too chicken to axe someone"
Francine:"But Michael! You are our Moses. Lead us to the land of rape and honey"
Mike:"That ain't true. I'm Yahweh"
Francine, under her breath as she walks away:"It smells like farty oranges in here, you chicken shit"
Yahweh:"Yeah, like Yahweh didn't hear that"
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That is brilliantly correct, but you analyze this strip way too much.
Excited:the tech guy finally fixed my browser, actually the flash software. I had to tell on Adam to get him to do it
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Excited:the tech guy finally fixed my browser, actually the flash software. I had to tell on Adam to get him to do it
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