Sunday, July 16, 2006

Merrie:"Daddy says you're a mole-woman and should shack up with mole-man"
Kvetchin' Lovey:"Unlike Gretel, I would lick the fuck out of the mole and this would make me all wet"
Merrie:"Wet? Oh, adult persons wet"

Operatic singing:
Mike:"I am goooood, you are baaad, I am gooood, you are bad. Holy are weeeeeeee"
Kelpforths:"We are baaaaaaaaad"
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mike:"Let's have some disgustingly hot, dirty sex. Oh too late I cummed on my face in the last panel"
*fborfwlover is getting lazy*

Merrie:"Daddy, I'm hot!"
Mike:"No doubt about that" *mike woodifies*
Mike:"Well go sleep outside then, you little shit. Aaaahhhhh, it's nice and cool under this fan. Envious?? Well when you start paying some bills, then you can get some of the luxuries. Go inflate some mattresses and you and Rob can sleep under the fan downstairs. Now, fuck off, I'm tired."
Monday, July 10, 2006

Dee:"Mikey, you look like Clint Eastwood in the second panel!"
Mikey:"Go ahead, suck my dick."
Friday, July 07, 2006

John:"Do you have a rugged jaw and hair-parted down the middle with locks framing a noble forehead like every other of Lynn's depiction of studly men, including my studly son?"
Paul:"Yes, but your son is actually a fatso"
John:"Do you have fetal-alcohol syndrome?"
Elly:"Do you enjoy being whipped by my daughter in that you are forced to come down here, into Algonquin territory?"
April:"Liz worships herself and you worship crows that pick off gunk on the roads. How are you two gonna reconcile your religious differences?"
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Liz searches for tissue in purse.
"All I have are tampons: torrential flow. They'll do."
Liz dabs eyes with tampon.
Liz:"..I'll carry it here."
Vivian:"Would you like some cheese with that cheese? And I hate your old lady dress."

Jesse:"Your new name is Liz Wabegesie. It means, 'One who wore lots of hairspary in the 80s to give stylin' big bangs'"