Saturday, May 27, 2006

With a firm, sage countenance and eyes beating through spectacles, says Viv: "A compromise between Spruce Narrows/Mtigwaki and Toronto should be reached. Geographically, okay weighted more towards here, is Timmins. Gogama? Okay, okay: Angus. Home of concussed lil bastards and hung-over everybody, in particular soccer teams. There will be hunky referees who drunkely displace their sisters from their beds (after walking and projecting vomit simultaneously) and puke in the shower and sit on the shower floor and drink pop. Not to mention underwear EVERYWHERE."
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I can even think of a lovely landlord to set them up with.
"That bitch (mom) takes credit for organising it (her wedding)"
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"That bitch (mom) takes credit for organising it (her wedding)"
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