Sunday, April 30, 2006

Amazing. You can see spoiled the Pattersons are having to drive out the to the landfill, expelling many car fumes, instead of waiting till next garbage pick-up. And they buying several cars, thereby more polluting the atmosphere. I hope the seagulls peck your sanctimonious fuckin face off

Smart? He's 'general manager' of a gas station coffee shop owned by his high school bud-erino.
'Hello there. I'm perfect, unlike philandering Therese. Oh wait, in real-life I divorced my first husband and even admitted it was partly because of my arrogance. Fortunately I married someone in John who knows he's second to me, that he's my bitch'

What's with the prissy shot, 3rd image? Then there's the fourth image, where he's all goofy, giggle giggle giggle, yet maintains his handsomeness. What can't he do an 'er' face? Let's remind ourselves the real Michael is a fat fuck: