Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Speechie:"Say Diseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease"
Speechie:'iiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaatchhhhhhhhh, disssseeeeeeeeasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Gramps:"Ahh ahh ahhh ahhh"
Sppechie:"Good you have french porn down. Dissssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeee"
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Supple, taut speech therapist:"Last week we worked on saying 'Yes'"
Speechie:"Oh boy, we got another 59 minutes of this. Why am I doing a house-call?"
Iris, quietly:"That supple, taut body of yours will one day devolve into this ravaged, shar pei-like, onion sack I call my body"
Speechie:"I read lips too, by the way. And shap pei-like is a better description of fborfwlover's ball-sack subject to cold"
Friday, May 11, 2007

Iris:"More professionals are coming to help you, and thus more resources being wasted on you"
Jim, thinking:'I want some sweet leaf'
Iris:"I was thinking tonight we could cuddle, then maybe penetration"
Jim, thinking:'I prefer the internet'
Iris:"I was also thinking it's quite convenient I entered your life and saved Elly and the gang from having to care for you after your weak ass stroked"
Jim, thinking:'The internet shows me unconditional love, bitch'
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Physio:"Now you be a good boy and I'll give you a candy!" *pokes Gramps nose*
Physio:"We physios really don't do anything except rub your legs and apply heat with a fancy heat machine, when un sac magic would do"
Iris:"Yeah, well getting out the house prevents me from killing this fuckin invalid, so you do more than that"
Physio:"Okay everyone, patients included. Stop what you're doing and wave goodbye!"
Saturday, May 05, 2007

April:"Hi Siserino"
Liz, with angry face that is repeatedly used for 'comic' effect:*snort*, *snort*, *errrrrrrr*, *eeeee-hawwwwwww*, *neeeeeeeeeeighhhhhhhhh*, *oinkoink*
John interrupts, his lips and tongue locked into April's luscious pair.
Friday, May 04, 2007

Anthony:"I'm taking a 1200 pound moose to the wedding"
Liz, thinking to herself:'OMG, how can I compete with THAT!?'
Liz:"Is it a bull?"
Anthony:"GROSS! I'm not some freak"