Wednesday, November 23, 2005

haha. Kill yourself April, DO IT!

They didnt do that for Canadian thanksgiving. The Americans and their big market are firmly in possession of her soul.
Thursday, November 17, 2005

She says its an 'unspeakable horror' and then she says she doesnt want to talk about it. It's common to hear young teens say to themselves 'unspeakable horror'.
Probably the weakest, most forced 'humour' I've read. Yet I love every second of it.
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Friday, November 11, 2005

Woah, a chink in the armour: April's a pizza face. Of course black Duncan with his large penis has to go for the sista.
Saturday, November 05, 2005

The cute pig is Ojibway, unless he calls his white granddady mishomis (google teach me good about mishomis). Liz sees $$$$ in humping this pig because of free education tax breaks etc. Mind you, there's the glus problem.
It's so progressive that Lynn promotes indians,squaws,interracial fucking,cute pigs etc. She alone stands up for the engines, she defies the social norms which leads an engine to proclaim to UVic's martlet:"I can't think of a single thing in my life that isn't affected by racism".
Friday, November 04, 2005

Part I: Whappa whappa whappa. Look! It's Eric!
Part II: Cute pig:'So I was wondering if I could have your smoke signal. Oh, Indians have phones? Silly me. You're not part squaw btw?'
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Just like in Angus when the whole town joined teach Mel in a field late at night. And the next day half the Angus soccer team showed up hungover and the other didn't show because they were still drunk.