Saturday, October 15, 2005
What sort of fuckin wierd face is that on the bitch in the last panel. And how does it qualify as a comic strip when so many are ended with motherfuckin weak metaphors? Motherfuck? And is Mike's fault overworking. Why cant it be drunken sexual raids on his kids or something cool?
Monday, October 10, 2005
Yeah it's always they neighbours and not yourselves that are in the wrong, you self-righteous cock-monkeys
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Look closely at the female pig in the last panel. Her butt is in the front of her body!
Two weeks of this kissing Indians ass shit. Dont not think for a second that the indians didnt try to exterminate our asses. I say let them eat glue.
Incest, sexual relations between persons to whom marriage is prohibited by custom or law because of their close kinship . Ideas of kinship, however, vary widely from group to group, hence the definition of incest also varies. Customs prescribing whom a person may and may not marry are found among all human groups, and these apparently antedated knowledge of the genetic effects of the intermarriage of close relatives. Even modern prohibitions of incest are based only in part on the observed fact that inherited defects tend to be transmitted in intensified form when both parents possess the same genes. In many societies, the marriage of parents and offspring, or brothers and sisters, is prohibited and abhorred?this is the incest taboo, much discussed in the anthropological literature. Only in some royal families, as in ancient Egypt and among the Inca, were such marriages customary, perhaps with the goal of conserving royal prerogatives and property; such marriages may have been largely symbolic. Theories concerning the incest taboo include sociological and psychological interpretations. In anthropology, it is often considered in relation to rules of exogamy, by which marriage serves as a means of social alliance between groups who might otherwise be disposed to fight one another. Incest is a recurrent theme in mythology and literature across the world, and it has played an important role in psychoanalytical speculation and theory (see Oedipus complex). For the contemporary legal aspects of marriage sexual relations between persons to whom
is prohibi