Thursday, August 18, 2005

Missing sixth: Anthony:"Woah. This is even better then waiting for me, Liz. YOu know how to work that cock, girl!"
Liz:"snort, snort,snort....giggle,giggle,giggle...slurp,slurp,slurp"

"snort, snort,snort....giggle,giggle,giggle...hmmph,hmmph,hmmph"
Saturday, August 13, 2005

Missing fifth panel: Antony: "there's also lots of good in your pants, and in mine! Is that a bed over there?"
This particular strip will serve as exhibit A in why fborfw must be pulled from syndication due to extreme self-righteous slop. Thou shall not have any gods before Lynn.

The Angel of Mercy, Saint Liz, even in the midst of an 'assualt' (she wanted it though) can't help but feel concern for the welfare of her assaulter.
Thursday, August 11, 2005

Oh yeah. OH YEAH. Grab those little titties and hairy muff.
Far from being traumatized, Liz is able to throw out the witty retort.
My guess is the homosexual who the runs the place, the homosexual Lawerence, will come back and bitch slap dear Howard an' feminists and homosexuals will rule the day
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

And touching your father's ass isn't a crime?

hahaha, only when your wielding dentist's equipment and your trying not to be dangerous are you actually dangerous. Eh Gloria? The Corbeil butcher you are. I wanna kick his ass.

Howard's cool and he's by far the best you'll get you stuck-up iceberg cunt