Sunday, June 19, 2005
Michael has a resplendent jawline and athletic body. But remember, the real Michael is a fat fuck:
A promise shall be broken, but somewhow she'll make it up to the squaws.
Jesse's such a little scamp. hehe. Soon he'll be touching girls' privates, as lil scamps are invariably the first to do
The exact same scenario played out in an Angus elementary class where a certain unnamed bitch Melanie was adored by her little inbred hlep-like students. She must remain unnamed because of the massive numbner of hits my site gets.
Monday, June 13, 2005
The skank's making a wad of cash an' still going home for the summer.
She could have at least thrown in a sistwerp in April's email, though the use of slang is bang-on (and made me smile :) )
Monday, June 06, 2005
Good God
Good God
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Lynn imagines that somewhat seasoned folk nod appreciativly at this comic, appreciative of her wisdom in the face of an often ridiculous pop culture. People gather 'round the comic and say 'Praise be to Lynn, for in her we shall rise above God and bask in foob'.
Foob is in one of the movie titles, again I contributed to this obsession with foob
Friday, June 03, 2005
I don't get it. It's wit and philosophy beyond my scope, it's amazing how Michael manufatured such thoughts without being perfectly set-up in conversation by his cunt wife.
Deanna resemebles Karla Homolka I've noticed
Oh Weeder, you bug-eyed, ugly counterpart to the well-sculpted, morally-Zeusian Michael. Lynn captures perfectly how grossly imperfect pieces of shit like Weed can still shine in associated with her via Michael.