Thursday, March 31, 2005

No kidding she's all grown up, what happen to the slut years? Not to imply slutiness isn't a virtue of adulthood, well actually it is implied.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hopefully elly starts pimping out April, I'll be first in line, mmmm
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Monday, March 28, 2005
A boring strip lacking in the obvious self-righteousness. Fortunately, the ego, Lynn, cannot be grounded.
Sunday, March 27, 2005

mmm, I wanna a piece of that action.
Rumour has it that Merrie is developing a cleft palate
Saturday, March 26, 2005

kill, kill
I can be friends with someone my equal now
It's what's inside that counts
Thursday, March 24, 2005

an' boobies-2
Shannon Lake: brains-9,boobies-10
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Def. foob:Foob
1.Little bitches who run around after young boys and fat men, and threaten neighbors who do not wish to be raped with small plastic guns that shoot small plastic bb's, comparative with their own body parts.
Please Foob, don't jam that up my ass!
2.the fleshy breast like rolls of fat on backs and near the shoulder blades, even on the side, or stomach, depending on the number of lumps...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Jesus est la raison pour la saison, not some slutty 3 yr. old egg-hunting.

Girl, why is that last hunk a foob, unless by foob you mean hunky widowed-peak muffin-man? St. April's gonna put you in your place real soon, hon.
Sunday, March 20, 2005

His look in the top right corner panel frightens me, it's a mixture of evil and orgasm, evil orgasm.
The gypsy ladies have to see his shrivelled cock.
Saturday, March 19, 2005

It's funny because April is a blossoming woman who doesn't just operate normally but is morally elevated, whereas the retarded chick is acting all fucked up for a 15- yr old. So for HER to tell April to be normal? hahaha. April's smirk let's us know how retarded that comment was.
It's funny because April is a blossoming woman who doesn't just operate normally but is morally elevated, whereas the retarded chick is acting all fucked up for a 15- yr old. So for HER to tell April to be normal? hahaha. April's smirk let's us know how retarded that comment was.
Friday, March 18, 2005
The day fast approaches when you'll be six feet under, motherfucker:

I' ...2..see...u...I..needed u a' Becky ...and retard...and you' hero...for saving a...retard

I' ...2..see...u...I..needed u a' Becky ...and retard...and you' hero...for saving a...retard